Life Is a Miracle, Didn’t You Hear?
Aug 17, 2020
This is a guest post by Katherine's long-term client, Sara Santini.
Sara has been attending various workshops and retreats with Katherine and together they've already traveled 4 continents. This is a part of a "My Life With Katherine" blog series, describing the magic and miracles they encounter. Subscribe below to stay tuned for more!
Hello there, known and unknown readers from all over the world!
I am writing to you today, with a story about surprises. A story of how sometimes, without knowing, we are guided to a series of miracles on your path. Or in fact, how we are ALWAYS guided, if we just open up your awareness to the possibilities around us. And how every single moment can be a wonder – if you only choose it.
As some of you may know, at the beginning of last year we came to Bali to meet my friend Katherine’s publisher and to work on her upcoming book “The Soul on Fire”. (You can pre-register to receive order your copy here.)
Our plan was to stay for a while in Bali and then head straight to the Philippines and work on our project. However, our travels do not always follow the linear path...
We were spending day after day in Ubud and nothing seemed to move. After asking for guidance, one day we ended up doing something that may sound crazy to a logical mind. Without a particular explanation, we took several planes and a boat to get to a tiny Indonesian island called Karimunjawa, far away from the shores of the Jawa sea.
And that is where a sequence of events unfolded, which I would love to tell you about today.
A magical boat ride
So there we were — Katherine, Marie, and Sara — sitting on a boat to Karimunjawa. We’ve purchased the higher class tickets, so we were traveling in an airconditioned cabin with a smaller group of passengers. Around us were several Indonesian families with many children, taking a weekend holiday trip.
As soon as we left the port, a young crew member entered the cabin and put on a movie to be played on the big screen in front of our seats. It happened to be a crime movie of some sort. As the film intro played, the kids were running around laughing and the 3 of us were creating our next steps for the business.
However, the content of the film was very hard to ignore. We were all affected by the distressing images in front of us: a bloody man throwing up into the toilet under a green ominous light… another one preparing his guns and setting off to an assassination mission…
We looked around and there was not a single person in the room actively watching the movie. Yet we could see how the energy of the story had an impact on everyone.
The kids were immersed in it and soaking every scene in, even without looking at the screen! Everyone was trying to ignore the heavy, gloomy, and stressful feeling that was spreading through the room.
Katherine threw another glance at the sweet curly toddler and his sister playing next to the sunny window and stormed out into the captain’s cabin. A minute later she came out with an older crew member. Katherine calmly returned to her seat. The man walked up to the collection of DVDs on the shelf with a serene smile.
The screen went blank. And then suddenly, a beautiful, magical symphonic music filled the room.
All bodies relaxed. The air changed. You could feel the excitement of all the children rise as the first scenes of the new “Aladdin” movie started playing on the screen. Tiny hands grabbed the seats in front of them as many small dark-haired heads peeked above the seats.
Some of the adults sneered at this ‘ridiculous’ new film, but we didn’t care. Just one look at all the shiny children’s eyes captivated by the magic of the story melted my heart.
Tears started running down my cheeks, as I sensed what a tremendous change Katherine’s action created in the entire space. I could perceive how everyone shifted from the anxiousness and stress to a space of joy, wonder, and possibilities. My inner child was sitting on my lap clapping with delight at the miracle of life and how easy it is to change any situation! Just make the step!
Minute after minute, everyone dove deeper into the magnificent adventure of the film, laughing at Will Smith’s amazing performance and getting so childlike and innocent again.
By the time we’ve arrived at the Karimunjawa port, I threw a glance at the very same adults who at first looked down upon this ‘childish’ film. They were now glued to their seats, like young boys and girls, immersed in the magic story. Nobody wanted to exit the room and go away from the little piece of paradise, joy, and innocence we’ve created.
The beautiful child
Another miracle happened as we started disembarking the boat. As I stood up from my seat, my eyes fell upon a gorgeous 10-year old Indonesian girl. As I was passing by, I was admiring her fine beauty. Something in her eyes struck me. Even those 2 seconds were enough for me to think: ‘Wow, what a delicate, beautiful being!’
As I walked up to the door to exit the cabin, I kept wondering how come I haven’t noticed her throughout the entire ride. Katherine, who was walking beside me, held the heavy door open for us. Noticing that the exit is still crowded, we chose to go back into the cabin.
Katherine closed the door, and all of a sudden we heard a shriek — the thick cabin door was squeezing the beautiful girl’s finger! It took everyone a moment to realize what was going on. When she finally managed to get it out, the finger was bloodless and pulsating.
Katherine jumped and grabbed her essential oils and poured them over the girl’s finger, instantly transforming the wounded tissue and letting the intensities flow out of the body. The beautiful girl stood silently with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her father was seriously overlooking the situation by her side, while the mother was peeking from the background.
Katherine kept apologizing and working on the finger, intensely present. The entire room quietly observed, hardly blinking. I found the situation to be very intense. My eyes were almost tearing at the sight of this beautiful child’s pain.
At the same time, I was also wondering what the brilliance behind this situation was. Knowing Katherine, I knew that there are no accidents. She never does a thing out of carelessness.
With the help of a translator, we found out that after a while the pain was gone. Instead of getting black or swollen, the nail looked healthy. The girl was calm, even peaceful. Everyone thanked Katherine and we parted ways.
The healing tears
Half an hour later, over a tasty fresh meal in a local restaurant, Katherine asked me what was going on with me. I was grumpy and rebelling against everything she said.
Looking inside, I realized that a part of me was still blown away by the intensity of the situation with the beautiful girl. So I looked deeper, allowing myself to see what the scene brought up in me. My heart overflowed again.
I was gushing in tears, seeing that this creation was just a reflection of the pain that this girl was experiencing every single day in her family life. I could see pictures and sense the emotions. The image of her unpresent, distant mother’s eyes came up… The sense of her invasive father…
Her entire injury was just a smoke signal — pointing out to something deeper, which wanted to be released, to be seen. To be healed. Leaving that room, the beautiful girl came out with a healed heart, open and melted… Just in the brief time that Katherine worked with her, she was acknowledged and taken care of on so many levels that probably never before got nourished in her surroundings.
(What I did not know at the time was that this situation will start a wave of healing in my life in the following days as well…)
And just thanks to this encounter, our entire sudden and unexplainable trip to the remote island of Karimunjawa absolutely made sense.
Seeing this miracle, all my walls melted as well. I was so grateful to Katherine for being a living example that this reality which we see is not at all what life truly is.
I am so very grateful for her being a constant reminder of how easily we can create the paradise we’d like to see in the world around us.
…For those who are willing to choose it…
P.S. If your heart knows that there are different possibilities available for you in this life… If your nostrils spread sensing the fresh air of freedom, and you can’t sit still in your chair reading this, come and join us for an adventure. There are so many possibilities for you to leap into this magic universe of joy and miracles, too. There are so many possibilities for you to invite more of this magic into your life as well.
If you're curious for more, just drop me a line on Facebook or connect per Messenger on our Im Moment Sein Facebook Page.
What miracles await you in your life?